The Best Staple Gluten Free Ingredients to Have in Your Cupboards

We all need staple ingredients in our kitchen cupboards, it is an essential part of keeping a home running well. The products and ingredients you choose to have in at all times will change according to your personal taste and diet, and when you have been diagnosed with coeliac disease your choice of staple ingredients will become staple gluten free products. This will help ensure that you always have food and ingredients in your home that you can throw something together to make a meal and ingredients that cover a whole host of food options depending on what you fancy eating on any given day. All of this whilst ensuring that you remain gluten free and safe from the effects of being ‘glutened’.

Here is a list of some of the best staple gluten free ingredients you should have in your kitchen cupboards.

Gluten free flour

Gluten free flour, and quality flour at that, will make a massive difference to your options in the kitchen. Always have at least a couple of packs of plain and self-raising flour in the cupboard in order to make bread, cakes, pastry, biscuits, and to help with sauces and to coat food before you cook it.

Gluten free stock cubes

Stock cubes are amazing for all kinds of recipes, as they are a concentrated form of spices and herbs, adding another level of flavour and intensity to your recipe. They can also help form the basis of a delicious gravy when you are cooking a Sunday roast, all you need to do is take the juices from your meat, add a stock cube and some gluten free flour to thicken it up, and away you go!

Gluten free pasta

Pasta is a fantastic staple ingredient to have in your cupboards, and it is also something that many people worry that they will miss when they are first diagnosed with coeliac disease. Do not fear though, as there are great gluten free options on the market today.

Gluten free pizza bases

If you love pizza, and love making your own pizza at home, gluten free pizza bases provide you with the safe foundation from which you can build your perfect pizza with the toppings of your choice. We just hope you’re not one of those people who adds pineapple to a pizza…

Gluten free bread

Who can truly say they enjoy life without bread? Not us, that’s for sure. Always having a loaf of gluten free bread at home, whether in the cupboard or in the freezer, is a surefire way to have that safety net that there’s always something gluten free to hand for a quick snack, to make a sandwich at lunch or to have a round of toast in the morning (toast is just the best, isn’t it?).

We’ve all got our favourite staple ingredients and food products that we like to have in our kitchen cupboards at all times. The right types of oil, pasta, flour and other baking ingredients, herbs and spices, the list is always very specific to each individual. Gluten free ingredients and gluten free products are available on prescription in some areas for people with coeliac disease, and if you are looking to stock your cupboards with essential ingredients as a coeliac, it is important that you have the correct ingredients to hand whenever you are cooking at home.