Modern workplaces are now more people-centred. What we often took for granted or missed about our employees’ welfare is being prioritised today. One of them is their health and well-being. While a leave of absence is there to cover when the employee is sick, it is just not enough. Hectic schedules make employees sacrifice their break time and settle for unhealthy diets. It can be changed when you opt for canteen catering services.
Canteen catering services, sometimes called institutional catering, is a type of outsourced corporate or organisational service that aims to ensure the continuous supply of healthy meals for employees or members of a group. But how does it actually work? Here’s a simplified flow of the process:
1. Setting a Contract
A contract will contain the schedule, meal plans, budget and other requirements to complete the canteen catering services. Sometimes, it may also include the conditions for using the kitchen area of the workplace. The institutional caterer and the management must agree on this contract before anything else.
2. Allocating the Budget
When the budget is sent to theinstitutional caterer, he will allocate the budget for the pantry supplies, raw ingredients, maintenance of the cooking equipment, salary of the staff and more. He may propose the budget to the management for approval but should it be stated in the contract already, he may opt not to.
3. Purchasing Goods
The institutional caterer will purchase the goods needed for industrial catering services. For instance, tea, coffee and snacks will be supplied for the pantry management services. Meat, vegetables, rice and seasonings will be bought for the institutional catering.
4. Delivering Supplies and Providing Catering Services
The pantry will be replenished from time to time as agreed upon in the pantry management service. Employees may get coffee and snacks from the pantry free of charge as the contract covers them. Meanwhile, industrial catering services will be provided for the employees’ lunch every working day.
5. Collecting Feedback
The institutional caterer may ask the employees and the management to give feedback on their service. This is so they will be able to further improve or adjust their canteen catering services to fit the lifestyle of the company.
Institutional catering is convenient since your employee will not need to go out of the office to buy their lunches and snacks. Since you will be paying in advance for the canteen catering services, your employees can take their lunches for free.
Do you want to have canteen catering services for your company or organisation? Visit Pro*3 Catering today!